"Sustainability is a foundational element of the EnLink strategies that we monitor at the Board level. It’s a natural fit, as safety, environmental performance, operational excellence, and people have long been focus areas for EnLink. In my time on the Board and as Chair of the Sustainability Committee, I’ve witnessed EnLink evolve its approach, creating actionable plans for improvement and adding sustainability-related risks within its enterprise risk management program so that EnLink is both seizing opportunities and avoiding pitfalls that emerge in today’s complex sustainability landscape.” – Deborah G. Adams, Director on the EnLink Board of Directors, Chair of the Sustainability Committee, and Member of the Audit Committee

EnLink’s Board of Directors (Board) engages with management to deliver value to our stakeholders.

Our Board provides general oversight of the business and affairs of EnLink, including overseeing our sustainability strategy through its Sustainability Committee and reviewing sustainability progress on a quarterly basis through reports from the Sustainability Committee.

Board Experience and Diversity

The directors on our Board have significant experience in the energy industry, in board service on other public company boards, and in sustainability-related matters.

On December 31, 2023, there were seven members of our Board, including:

  • Three independent directors¹
  • Two female directors
  • Two directors with ethnic diversity
  • One director under the age of 50, with a Board average age of 55.5
  • Average director tenure of 3.27 years

The Board and each of its committees perform a self-assessment annually to measure their effectiveness and identify opportunities for further improvement.

Board Committees and Charters

Our Board has four standing committees. The Audit Committee, Governance and Compensation Committee, and Sustainability Committee each meet quarterly. The Conflicts Committee meets on an ad hoc basis, when potential conflicts arise. All members of the Audit Committee and the Conflicts Committee are independent directors.

  • Audit Committee: Assists the Board in fulfilling legal, regulatory, and fiduciary obligations with respect to oversight of matters involving the accounting, auditing, financial reporting, disclosure, and internal control functions and is also responsible for implementing and maintaining processes and procedures to identify and manage risk associated with our business; all Audit Committee members are independent directors.
  • Conflicts Committee: Fulfills duties delegated by the Board that relate to potential conflicts of interest; all Conflicts Committee members are independent directors.
  • Governance and Compensation Committee: Provides general oversight of our compensation plans, policies, and programs, including reviewing and approving compensation policies and practices, bonus plans, bonus payouts, setting bonus targets, and other general compensation matters. With respect to governance matters, performs activities or duties delegated or assigned to the Committee by the Board.
  • Sustainability Committee: Assists the Board in its oversight of our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, including our environmental, health, and safety initiatives and operational excellence initiatives, and the identification, evaluation, and monitoring of potential ESG issues and opportunities.

The committee charters for each of these committees, as well as the governance guidelines for our Board and our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which applies to each Director on our Board, are available in the Governance Documents section of our Investor Relations website.

  1. Under the governing agreement of the Managing Member, the sole member may modify the number of votes allocated to any director. As a result of such modification, currently directors with a majority of the voting power of the Board are also directors or officers of Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP).

The information and data (collectively, “Information”) provided in EnLink’s 2023 Sustainability Report (“Report”) reflects content as of and for the period ending December 31, 2023, unless otherwise indicated. Such Information in this Report is for informational purposes only. EnLink does not make, and hereby expressly disclaims, any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information contained herein. This Report is being published on August 6, 2024, and EnLink undertakes no obligation or duty to (1) update or correct the Information, (2) provide additional details regarding the Information, or (3) continue to provide the Information, in any form, in the future. EnLink reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, update, change, delete, or supplement the Information from time to time without notice. The Information should not be interpreted as any form of guaranty or assurance of future results or trends. EnLink is expressly not incorporating by reference any of the Information into any filing of EnLink made with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or in any other filing, report, application, or statement made by EnLink to any federal, state, or local governmental authority. This Report contains information based upon EnLink’s role in the broader economy, environment, and society and is presented for the purpose of responding to issues that are important to a wide range of interested parties. While events, scenarios, and efforts discussed in this report may be significant, any significance should not be read as necessarily rising to the level of materiality pertaining to disclosures required under U.S. federal securities laws, which have distinct and specific concepts of materiality.