We strive to provide our employees with a rewarding work environment, while delivering the tools, resources, and guidance needed to promote personal and professional development.

Robust Compensation and Benefits Program

Part of providing a leading workplace environment includes competitive total rewards packages. The total rewards program is comprised of base salary, short-term incentives tied to company performance, comprehensive employee benefits that include medical coverage, company-paid life insurance, and disability coverage.

In 2022 EnLink launched an improved Parental Leave Policy that grants employees who give birth up to 10, 40-hour weeks of 100% paid childbirth recovery leave. In addition, non-birthing parents are eligible to receive up to five days of paid parental bonding leave for the birth or legal adoption of a child. According to the Wall Street Journal, only 35% of U.S. companies offer paid bonding or maternity leave in excess of what is required by law¹.

We strive to make our benefit programs valuable and affordable. We evaluate market trends and employee participation in existing programs on an annual basis to determine opportunities for design and cost changes. EnLink is proud that we have maintained medical cost premiums for the second consecutive year as compared to the prior year.

In addition, we encourage employees to maximize the financial resources made available to them. We believe this focus drives greater utilization of our benefits program, such as the 94% participation rate in our 401(k) program, which includes new employees automatically enrolled at time of hire and fully vested employer matched contributions.

EnLink’s people-centric culture extends to our employees’ physical, mental, and emotional health. Our annual wellness initiative encourages employees and their spouses to receive an annual wellness checkup. In 2022, 60% of EnLink employees received an annual wellness checkup, in some cases leading to early detection of issues or illnesses that could have become life-threatening had they gone undetected. EnLink also offers an employee assistance program that helps connect employees to the resources they need to manage many of life’s unexpected challenges.

Our competitive total rewards program also supports the financial security of our employees and helps to attract and retain top talent. Turnover rates are monitored on a monthly basis and reported to our Board of Directors at least annually. Voluntary turnover rates over the last three years have remained relatively flat, averaging approximately 10% per year. As reported by Payscale, this is less than half of the average energy and utility industry 2022 voluntary turnover rate of 22%².

EnLink recognizes the importance of providing financial stability for our employees and their families, particularly during challenging and uncertain times. Although our operations are not subject to living wage laws, our goal is to provide market competitive compensation to our employees, almost all of which are above the living wage. On average, the lowest 10% of our employees were paid 125% of the living wage national average of approximately $50,000 per year³ and our median employee earned over 200% of the living wage national average.

Like many energy companies, EnLink offers better than average income and advancement opportunities for those without a four-year college degree (46% of EnLink’s 2022 workforce⁴). In addition, EnLink’s tuition reimbursement program encourages employees to earn a degree or technical certification by providing economic support for our employees who choose to pursue additional education.

Equitable Pay

EnLink understands the importance of pay equity in our compensation programs. On an annual basis, we conduct a gender pay equity analysis to promote equitable pay regardless of gender. In addition, beginning in 2022 we presented this analysis to the Sustainability Committee of EnLink’s Board of Directors. The study found no statistically significant pay gaps relative to market of our female employees compared to our male employees, emphasizing our confidence in the effectiveness of our programs at ensuring pay equity.

Developing our Employees

We strive to provide our employees with a rewarding work environment, including the opportunity for success and a platform for personal and professional development. We offer access to leadership, technical, and safety training to deepen employees’ business and operational knowledge, as well as expand their overall skillset. We leverage a range of tools to provide a culture of development, including online and in-person courses. Our employees completed approximately 29,000 online and classroom courses comprising approximately 27,000 hours, of which over 11,000 were from required safety training.

EnLink encourages regular one-on-one meetings between employees and their direct leaders – a critical element of EnLink’s long-standing culture and focus on people. These key touchpoints allow leaders and employees to stay connected and accountable to one another. They also encourage two-way communication, create opportunities for ongoing employee development, and provide an avenue to track progress on tasks, projects, and overall performance to ensure employees are meeting their individual goals for the year.

Flexible Work Schedule

EnLink provides a hybrid work schedule that allows office employees the opportunity to work from home two days a week and in office the remaining three business days. The hybrid work schedule reduces greenhouse gas emissions associated with commuting and supports our diverse workforce by giving employees increased flexibility to manage work with life commitments.

The EnLink Community Fund

EnLink recognizes that our employees forge special relationships in the workplace and wish to support one another. There is no better embodiment of this than the EnLink Community Fund, which was created following the devastation resulting from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 to provide assistance to impacted employees, their families, and communities. Funded by employees through voluntary payroll deductions and administered by an employee committee, the EnLink Community Fund has helped our peers and loved ones deal with a variety of hardships over the last 18 years, including the impacts of natural disasters, medical emergencies, and other unforeseen life-altering events.

In 2022, the EnLink Community Fund awarded five grants to employees impacted by catastrophic events, including natural disasters such as tornados and floods. The program has awarded 198 grants since its adoption in 2005.

  1. Dill, K and Yang, D. (2022, August 22). Companies Are Cutting Back on Maternity and Paternity Leave. Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-surprising-benefit-some-companies-are-taking-awayparental-leave-11661125605
  2. Payscale’s 2023 Compensation Best Practices Report
  3. As reported March 2022 in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Living Wage Calculator, the living wage in the United States was $24.16 per hour or $50,253 annually per individual), before taxes for a family of four (two working adults, two children); Glasmeier, Amy K. Living Wage Calculator. 2022. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. https://livingwage.mit.edu
  4. Based on employee reported data collected at time of hire and/or our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion survey conducted in 2021; reflects population as of December 31, 2022.

The information and data (collectively, “Information”) provided in EnLink’s 2022 Sustainability Report (“Report”) reflects content as of and for the period ending December 31, 2022, unless otherwise indicated. Such Information in this Report is for informational purposes only. EnLink does not make, and hereby expressly disclaims, any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the Information contained herein. This Report is being published on August 1, 2023, and EnLink has no obligation or duty to (1) update or correct the Information, (2) provide additional details regarding the Information, or (3) continue to provide the Information, in any form, in the future. EnLink reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, update, change, delete, or supplement the Information from time to time without notice. The Information should not be interpreted as any form of guaranty or assurance of future results or trends. EnLink is not expressly incorporating by reference any of the Information into any filing of EnLink made with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or in any other filing, report, application, or statement made by EnLink to any federal, state, or local governmental authority. This Report contains information based upon EnLink’s role in the broader economy, environment, and society and for the purpose of responding to issues that are important to a wide range of interested parties. While events, scenarios, and efforts discussed in this report may be significant, any significance should not be read as necessarily rising to the level of materiality of the disclosures required under U.S. federal securities laws, which have distinct and specific concepts of materiality.